Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Semester Final Exam Guidelines

Unless you have extended time through a 504 plan or IEP, you must finish in the time allotted
No phones out during or after the Final
No trips to the restroom during or after the Final
You must stay for the allotted time
Bring something to do quietly when you are finished
Cheating in any form will result in 0% on the final exam (no talking, phone out, gesturing, notes, looking at other tests, etc.)

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Back to School 2014! (updated)

Can you believe it is already 2014?!  Welcome back!  There are only 2 full weeks before Finals Week, so the time is going to fly.  The deadline for Late Work and Extra Credit is going to be Friday, January 17th.  That means that if you are doing a book group, you need to get in for the discussion at least several days before that.

Mon 1/6:  Go over phases of mitosis and start Mitosis Worksheet.
Tues 1/7:  Identifying phases of mitosis in Onion Root Tip slides.  Mitosis demonstration at your table using yarn, string, and chalk.  Finish Mitosis Worksheet.  Hand out Semester Review.
Thurs 1/9:  Finish Mitosis activities.  Phases of Meiosis.   Start Reading Chapter 13.
Mon 1/13:  Start Meiosis Creature Activity.  Crossing Over.  Finish Reading Chapter 13.
Tues 1/14:  Finish Meiosis Creature Activity.  Review Mitosis and Meiosis for short test on Thursday.  Start Reviewing for Final Exam.
Thurs 1/16:  Take short Mitosis and Meiosis Test.  Review for Final Exam.
Fri 1/17:  Deadline for Late Work and Extra Credit.
Mon 1/20:  MLK Jr Holiday.  No School.
Tues 1/21:  Last minute review before Final Exam.
Wed 1/22:  Finals:  Periods 1,4,7.
Thurs 1/23:  Finals:  Periods 2,5,8.
Fri 1/24:  Finals:  Period 3,6.