Friday, November 21, 2014

The Week of 11/24-11/26

  • Mon 11/24:  Digestion Quiz (label parts of the digestive system and describe what happens to food as it passes through the system).  Structure of the ileum.  Reading Chapter 41.
  • Wed 11/26:  Joe Eats a Burger Simulation.  Structure of the heart!  Learn how to draw it and what happens in all the parts.  Veins, arteries, and capillaries.  Start Reading Chapter 42.
Have a great extended week-end!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014 Information for this year

Class ID for this year:  9073214
Password:  digestion

Yes, you do need to add a new class this year even though you had me last year!

Monday, November 10, 2014

The Weeks of 11/10-11/21

  • Mon 11/10:  Teacher Work Day.  No School!!
  • Tues 11/11:  Veteran's Day.  No School!!
  • Wed 11/12:  Questions on Evolution Review?  Start Digestion!  Do digestion interactive on National Geographic Website and complete hand-out.  Then color the digestive system on the reverse using colored pencils.  Due Monday 11/17.
  • Fri 11/14:  Turn in Completed Evolution Review.  Take Evolution Test.  Finish Digestion Worksheet, due Mon 11/17.
  • Mon 11/17:  Get digestion worksheet and coloring checked off.  Overview of the human digestive system, using important terminology.  Practice drawing the digestive system, including the gall bladder, liver, and pancreas!  SPARK lecture on Human-Computer Interactions today at 3:30 in 169.
  • Wed 11/19:  Enzymes in the digestive system.  Villi and microvilli. Exocrine glands and cells.  Gastric juice secretion control.  Reading:  Chapter 41.
  • Fri 11/21:  Stomach ulcers and stomach cancer.  Digestion of lipids.  Villus epithelium cells structure and function.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Weeks of 11/3-11/14

SPARK Lecture today at 3:30 in 169!!  Remember there is one SPARK lecture per quarter per student.  The quarter ends on Friday.  Deadline for late work and extra credit is Friday by 3:30!

  • Mon 11/3:  Make graphs using Class Beak Data.  Analysis and Conclusion for the beak lab due Wed 11/5.  Work on Speciation Worksheet.
  • Wed 11/5:  Turn in Analysis and Conclusion for Beak Lab.  Notes for Speciation.  Hand out Evolution Review for Test next Fri 11/14.
  • Fri 11/7:  Deadline for Late Work and Extra Credit.  Beak of the Finch quiz on Chapter 7-9.  Go over miscellaneous evolution topics and review for test.
  • Mon-Tues 11/10-11/11:  No School for Teacher Work Day and Veterans Day.
  • Wed 11/12:  Questions on Evolution Review?  Start Digestion!!
  • Fri 11/14:  Turn in Evolution Review.  Take Evolution Test.  When finished, work more on the human digestive system.