Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Beginning of the the Year!

  • Wed 8/30:  Take roll, fill out student information sheets.  Brainstorm in groups:  what is biology?  Class expectations and class website.  Demonstrate Early Work.  Introduce significant figures and how to count them.  Do problems 1-17 on the Uncertainty, Significant Figures, and Graph Practice worksheet.
  • Fri 9/1:  Pick up textbooks from the book room.  Questions on classroom expectations or topics covered?  Discuss safety in the lab and academic honesty.  Hand out Safety Contract and Academic Honesty Contract.  Please sign both and get a parent/guardian to sign by next Friday 9/8.  Propagating uncertainty.  Finish first side of worksheet and work on the back.  But, don't do the graphing yet!  We will do that in class on Wednesday.  Start Brine Shrimp Lab.  Count cysts and estimate how many are in the grid.
  • Wed 9/6:  Graphing data using LoggerPro.  Each of you needs to get a graph checked off, demonstrating that you can use the program.  Get the Uncertainty, Significant Figures, and Graph Practice worksheet checked off.     Count brine shrimp cysts, add salt water to them, and put on the counter to hatch. Do the TI-84 activity.   Remember that your Safety and Academic Honesty contracts are due signed by Friday 9/8.
  • Fri 9/8:  Turn in signed contracts.  Count live brine shrimp and calculate percent hatched.  Show your work.   Explain the concept of t-test and what the results mean.   Complete TI-84 Activity.  Start Statistics Hand-Out.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Welcome to Higher Level IB Biology!!

Welcome to the 2017-2018 School Year!  This will be the website for your IB Biology class for the next 2 years.  If you look through old entries you can see what classes before you have done.  This will be a good place to go to get class assignments, class resources, and just to keep yourself informed about the class.  When you miss class, come here first to see what we did in class and to find out if there is anything you can do from home.  After that, if you still have questions, you can e-mail me:  mkenny@pps.net

I look forward to meeting you and spending the next 2 years learning biology!  We will cover the following topics during the first year:

First Semester
Introduction to Course, Statistics, and Measuring
Cells and Membranes
Biochemistry:  Macromolecules
Cell Respiration and Photosynthesis
Cell Division:  Mitosis and Meiosis

Second Semester
Replication, Transcription, Translation
Ecology (maybe get it started)