Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Cell Respiration and Photosynthesis Test This Thursday 12/19

Make sure that you look over the review sheet on this website and the Kahoot to help prepare for this test.  The test will be made up of the following:

  1. 20 multiple choice questions (1 pt each for 20 pts total)
  2. Draw and clearly label 7 parts on either a mitochondrion or a chloroplast.  You don't get to choose.  Your test will tell you which to do.  (6 pts)
  3. Explain how structure supports function for at least 3 structures in the drawing from 2. above (4 pts)
  4. Pick 2 out of 3 short answer questions (4 pts each for a total of 8 pts)
  5. Pick 1 out of 2 longer answer questions on processes in cell resp. and photosynthesis (8 pts)
  6. A graph related to our topic with 4-5 short data-based questions associated with it (6 pts total)
Total points:  52

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Now Until Winter Break

Hello Students!  The cell respiration and photosynthesis unit is typically one of the most challenging units and we will be covering it between now and Winter Break.  I highly recommend that you get ahead of the material by reading through the sections: 2.8, 8.2, 2.9, and 8.3.  I also recommend watching videos such as the Crash Course ones I have posted and others like Khan Academy.  The repetition and hearing explanations from different perspectives can really help!  The more you let the material into your brain, the more likely your brain will be to accept it and not fight it.  Start now and revisit the material regularly!  Your brain and your stress level will thank you.  But also remember to get some exercise, listen to good music, eat healthy food, and get some sleep!

  • Tuesday 12/3:  Review glycolysis and the link reaction and give more details on the Krebs Cycle.  Crash Course video on Cellular Respiration.  The electron transport chain and chemiosmosis.  Respirometers.  Read 8.2 really well!
  • Thurs 12/5:  Seed Germination Respiration Lab.  Take data and answer the questions for Parts I and II.   Read 2.9.
  • Mon 12/9:  Do Part III of Respiration Lab.  Complete and turn in today or Wednesday.  Overview of Photosynthesis.  Action and absorption spectra.   
  • Wed 12/11:  Photosystems II and I.  Overview of the Calvin Cycle.  Read 8.3 if not already.
  • Fri 12/13: .  Review all parts of photosynthesis.  Drawing and labeling mitochondria and chloroplasts. Coloring sheet for chloroplasts and mitochondria.  Cell Respiration and Photosynthesis test next Thursday 12/19.
  • Tues 12/17:  Review for Cell Respiration Test and Photosynthesis.  Play Kahoot.
  • Thurs 12/19:  Cell Respiration and Photosynthesis Test.  Pick up Hand-Out on Cell Division when done and get it started.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

2.8 Work to be done after the Biochemistry Test on Wednesday, November 20

Please Do The Following in your Notebook.  To be checked off towards the end of the period on Friday, 11/22.

  1. Define cell respiration.
  2. What is ATP and what is its advantage for cells?  What is it used for in the cell?
  3. Why do cells need a continual supply of ATP?
  4. What is anaerobic respiration?  Where/when does it occur?
  5. List the 2 summary equations for anaerobic respiration (animals, and yeast and plants).
  6. Discuss bread making and bioethanol as examples of anaerobic respiration.
  7. Do the data-based questions on p. 125.
  8. Discuss anaerobic respiration in humans.
  9. Write the equation for aerobic respiration and state its differences from anaerobic respiration (at least 3).

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Two Weeks Before Conferences

  • Tues 11/12:  Link together the monomers that you made out of clay last week.  Some notes on proteins and nucleic acids.  Make nucleic acids out of beads.  If time, do DBQ on Chargaff's Rules on p. 107 of the book.
  • Thurs 11/14:   The structure of DNA.  Finish DBQ on p. 107 and get it checked off.  Start reviewing for Biochemistry test to be taken next Wed 11/20.
  • Mon  11/18:  Review concepts for Biochemistry Test and play Kahoot.
  • Wed 11/20:  Biochemistry Test.  Start Cellular Respiration.  Read 2.8.
  • Fri 11/22:  Basics of cellular respiration.  Read 2.8 and 8.2.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Lesson Plan for 11/5/2019

  1. No Early Work Today!  We will start a new sheet of paper and add up the old one on Thursday.
  2. Short Video on Protein Structure
  3. Protein Worksheet.  Use 2.4 in the book to answer the questions on the worksheet.  Turn it in when complete.
  4. Finish the Molecular Visualization software assignment in your notebook.  You should be prepared to have the BMI and Health Risk of Fats DBQ's and the Molecular Visualization checked off on Thursday.
  5. If you finish all that, read 2.6 on Nucleic Acids!

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Molecular Visualization: Do this and answer questions in your notebook

Go to the Molecular Visualization Link on my Website (look under links not documents).  The purpose of this activity is for you to become familiar with the structural and 3-D conformation of organic molecules.  You should also pick up some interesting information by reading the text for each molecule. Pay special attention to the differences between the 4 polysaccharides (glycogen, amylose, amylopectin, and cellulose) because that is a specific syllabus requirement.

  1. Click on glucose and observe it (it is under carbohydrates).  Use the cursor to rotate it.  Read the text on glucose.  Write at least 2 new observations down about glucose.
  2. Now do the same with the following carbohydrates:  fructose, glycogen, amylose, amylopectin, and glycogen
  3. Now go to the lipid category and do the same with glycerol, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, one of the fatty acids (name it), and finally, trigycerides.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Weeks of 10/28/2019-11/8/2019 and End of the Quarter!

The End of Quarter 1 is this week.  My deadline for late work and extra credit is Tuesday, 10/29!  Grades will be finalized on Thursday 10/31 by me.
  • Tues 10/29:  Notes on Carbohydrates and start notes on lipids.  Using model kits, make glucose and then link it with the glucose of another group, showing condensation synthesis.  Also, make a fatty acid with the model kits and possibly glycerol and then link 1 glycerol and 3 fatty acids from different groups, showing the formation of a triglyceride.  Read 2.3 if not already.
  • Thurs 10/31:  More notes on lipids.  Saturated vs unsaturated fats and their properties.  How to calculate BMI.  Do DBQ's on p. 81 and pp 85-86 in your notebook.  Use molecular visualization software (link on website) to observe different polysaccharides.   Answer questions in your notebook.  Read 2.4.
  • Tues 11/5:   Protein worksheet done in class.  
  • Thurs 11/7:  More on proteins.  Make clay models of a monosaccharide, and amino acid, and a fatty acid or glycerol.  Start nucleic acids.  Read 2.6.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Potato Osmosis Lab

You took data with a group, but I would like to write this up individually.  That means that each of you should design your own data table, organize your own graph, etc.   

Your Lab Should Include:

  1. A focused question
  2. A neat organized data table for your raw data and your processed data results. You should include measurement uncertainty, but don't need to propagate uncertainty for averages (because it wouldn't really make sense in this case).  Include 2-3 observations of the potatoes.
  3.  Sample calculation:  Show a sample calculation for percent change.  Make sure that you include a blank equation, the equation with numbers inserted, and the correct rounded answer with units.
  4. A graph!  This can be hand done or with a computer.  See the DBQ on p. 42 for help, but of course your graph should have an appropriate title, labels, units, annotation, etc.  You do not need to put on error bars this time because you will not be propagating error for the percent change calculation.
  5. Conclusion/Interpretation of results:  Refer back to your question.  Use specific data to back yourself up.  Try to EXPLAIN your results using osmosis concepts.  Finally, were you able to determine the salinity of the potato?  Explain why or why not.
  6. Evaluation:  Evaluate your results by discussing at least 3 sources of uncertainty, their impact on the results, and your suggested improvements (this can be done in a table as we did before)
I would like your lab to be turned in through turnitin.com, but if you have calculations and/or a graph that you want to do by hand, just make a note of that in your lab and then turn the hard copies of calculations/graph in my box with your name on it.

Monday, October 7, 2019

The Week of 10/7/19

  • Mon 10/7:  Review vacuole formation in paramecia.  Take notes on vesicle movement in secretory cells and notes on the 4 types of movement across membranes.  Start Potato Osmosis lab.  Groups will mix different salinities of solution, then cut up pieces of potato, record their masses and leave them in the solutions until Wednesday.  Check off Paramecium Lab hand-out with completed 1.4 questions on the back.
  • Wed 10/9:  Finish checking off Paramecium/1.4 worksheet.  Remass your potatoes and calculate the results.  Each individual will do a lab write-up and submit through turnitin.com.  Due Mon 10/14 (there will be some additional time in class on this day to finish it)
  • Mon 10/14:  Go over worksheets and data-based questions for the cells unit.  Review cell concepts, including looking at prepared slides and practicing drawing them.  Work time for the potato osmosis lab, which is due by the end of the day.
  • Thurs 10/17:  Kahoot review for the Cells and Membranes Test.  Start Biochemistry.
  • Mon 10/21:  Cells and Membranes Test!  When finished with the test, do the 2.1 questions in your notebook!
  • Wed 10/23:  Notes on biochemistry and the amazing properties of water.  Read 2.2.
  • Fri 10/25:  Water Olympics Lab.  More notes on the amazing properties of water.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Week of 9/30/19

  • Tues 10/1:  Finish Microscope Lab.  Continue viewing and drawing the live critters.  Also, view onion skin and human cheek cells.  All total, you should have 8 drawings by the end (Elodea, Volvox, Hydra, Amoeba, Paramecium, Scenedesmus, Onion Skin, Human Cheek Cell).  View and measure bacteria through the oil-immersion lens.  Complete the lab hand-out questions and calculate the magnification for all 8 of your drawings.  Both are due Thursday.  Read 1.4 if not already.
  • Thurs 10/3:  Turn in Microscope Lab (drawing sheet stapled to completed lab hand-out).  Types of membrane transport.  Transfer by vesicles.  Paramecia digesting yeast lab.  Complete lab hand-out and do at least half of the questions on 1.4.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Week of 9/23

  • Mon 9/23:  Check off pp 28-30 DBQ.  Review Membrane structure and do Membrane Worksheet.  Introduce the Bubble Lab and do it.  Complete the lab worksheet (on the back of membrane worksheet) as you go.  When complete, turn it in!  Work on Cell Model Project, due Wednesday.  Don't forget the write-up and note that the write-up requires 2 resources outside of class!
  • Wed 9/25:  10 minutes to get your Cell Models set up.  Cell Model Gallery Walk.  In the process, evaluate your own model and 3 others.  Introduction to Microscopes.  View cork, pond water, onion, and elodea.
  • Fri 9/27:  Continue Microscope Lab.  View live critters:  Volvox, Hydra, Amoeba, Paramecia, and Scenedesmus.  Make nice large well-labeled diagrams of each.  Put scale bars on all drawings (use the pointer in the eyepiece and the sizing card to do this.  
Homework:  Read 1.3 if not already.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Week of 9/16/19

  • Tues 9/17:  Take Statistics Quiz/Test.  Resume working on Cell Worksheet (due Thursday 9/19).  Basic Cell Concepts.  Hand out Cell Model Project, due next Wednesday 9/25.
  • Thurs 9/19:  Turn in Cell Worksheet.  Go over cell parts.  Cell membranes.  Do DBQ on Davson-Danielli Model on pp 28-30 of the text (see my website for 1.3 text).  Also, you can skip questions 2-4 on the left side of p. 29.  Still do the right side and make a sketch of the graph with time on the x-axis and % mixed on the y-axis with range bars. 
Reading:  You should have finished the Cell Worksheet and Read 1.1 and 1.2.  Read 1.3 on membranes for homework!

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

What's On the Statistics/Uncertainty Quiz/Test Next Tuesday 9/17?

You should be able to:
  • Count sig. figs. and compute and round appropriately
  • List the requirements for a good IB graph and give a sketch of what one might look like
  • Use TI-84 to calculate standard deviation, t-test, mean, and n (number of stats) without instructions!!!
  • Figure out degrees of freedom, find critical value (using chart), and interpret meaning
  • State meaning of standard deviation and ranges for 1 and 2 standard deviations (68% and 95%)
  • Calculate uncertainty (high-low)/2
  • Propagate uncertainty for adding/subtracting and multiplying/dividing
  • Calculate number of organisms in a grid using values from several quadrats
  • I will have you measure something in the classroom using proper precision and reasonable uncertainty (you will use either a ruler, a graduated cylinder, or a thermometer)

Monday, September 9, 2019

Brine Shrimp Class Data

These are the results from the Brine Shrimp Lab:

Percent Hatched and Alive:

3% Salt             

5% Salt

Saturday, September 7, 2019

The Week of 9/9

  • Mon 9/9:  Go over the meaning of t-tests and how to interpret the results.  Demonstrate how to make a histogram.  Work-time on statistics packet and time to make a graph using LoggerPro.  In pairs, each of you should make a graph using one of the data tables on the back of the uncertainty worksheet and show it to Ms. Kenny.  Ms. Kenny will initial the data table that you graphed.  Check over your completed worksheet and turn it in!  Discuss the write up for the Brine Shrimp Lab, due Fri 9/13 through turnitin.com
  • Wed 9/11:  Complete the statistics packet and turn it in.  Discuss parts of a lab write-up and work on the Brine Shrimp Lab.  Review concepts for the first test, which will be on Tuesday 9/17.
  • Fri 9/13:  Turn in Brine Shrimp Lab through turnitin.com.  More review for the Statistics Test that we will take on Tuesday.  Hand out Introduction to Cells worksheet and start working on it using section 1.1 of the textbook.  

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Beginning of the School Year!

    • Wed 8/28  All Classes!  Quick intro to class procedures.  Bingo Mingle.
    • Thurs 8/29:  Hand out Safety and Academic Honesty Contracts.  Please get them signed by yourself and a parent/guardian by next Thursday 9/5.  Go over Classroom Guidelines (see hand-out on website!).  Measurement/Uncertainty Lab done in groups.  Present the measurement and uncertainty, complete the notes (yes, you should have notes for most if not all measurements!), and turn in.  It is fine to turn it in on Tues 9/3.  Start Counting Significant Figures Worksheet.
    • Tues 9/3:  Continue with counting significant figures and add computing with significant figures.  Complete 1-20 on the front of the worksheet and complete the back of the worksheet.  In groups, count brine shrimp cysts using Dissecting Microscopes, fill in the counts on your hand out and calculate the number of cysts on your grid.  Add 3% or 5% saline (I will tell you which) to your cysts and let sit for 48 hours.  Bring a TI-84 calculator on Thursday!
    • Thurs 9/5:  Go over Propagating uncertainty and complete 21-25 on the uncertainty worksheet.  Demonstration of how to make a good graph using LoggerPro.  In pairs make LoggerPro graphs of the 2 sets of data on the back of your uncertainty hand-out.  Get your hand-out initialed by the teacher when you complete your graph. When complete, turn it in.  Make sure that you showed your work where necessary.  Count "live" brine shrimp and record in your lab hand out.  Calculate "% hatched and alive" and enter in the class database.  Using TI-84 calculators, complete the 1st page of the statistics packet.  If time, do more!  Discuss brine shrimp lab write up, due next Wednesday 9/11.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Welcome to IB Biology HL 1-2!!

Welcome to the 2019-2020 School Year!  This will be the website for your IB Biology class for the next 2 years.  If you look through old entries you can see what classes before you have done.  This will be a good place to go to get class assignments, class resources, and just to keep yourself informed about the class.  When you miss class, come here first to see what we did in class and to find out if there is anything you can do from home.  After that, if you still have questions, you can e-mail me:  mkenny@pps.net

I look forward to meeting you and spending the next 2 years learning biology!  We will cover the following topics during the first year:

First Semester
Introduction to Course, Statistics, and Measuring
Cells and Membranes (Most of Chapter 1)
Biochemistry: Water and Macromolecules (Most of Chapter 2)
Cell Respiration and Photosynthesis (2.8,2.9,8.2,8.3)
Cell Division:  Mitosis and Meiosis (1.6,3.3,10.1)
Possibly Start Genetics (3.1 and 3.2)

Second Semester
Finish Genetics (3.1,3.2,3.4,10.2)
Replication, Transcription, Translation (2.7,7.1,7.2,7.3)
Enzymes (2.5,8.1)
Biotechnology (3.5 and more)
Plants (Chapter 9)
Ecology (maybe get it started)

During the 2nd year, we will cover:
Ecology (Chapter 4)
Biodiversity (5.3 and 5.4)
Evolution (5.1, 5.2, 1.5 and 10.3)
Digestion (6.1)
Circulation (6.2)
Respiration (6.4)
Immunology (6.3 and 11.1)
Muscles and Movement (11.2)
The Kidney (11.3)
Sexual Reproduction (6.6 and 11.4)
Neurobiology (6.5)
Option A,B,C, or D

In addition, we will do an individual investigation (IA), study an IB option chosen by the class, and prepare for the IB Biology Exam! 

Monday, April 1, 2019

April 2019

We're down to the end!  One more unit and one more month.  Hang in there and learn as much as you can in this last unit, while also going back to review some past units.

  • Tues 4/2:  Neurogenesis and Structure and Function of the Brain.  Read A1 and A2.
  • Thurs 4/4:  Senses:  olfactory, auditory, and visual.  Read A3.  
  • Tues 4/9:  Dissect Cow's Eyes.  Turn in 8 good observations and describe how structure affects functions for 3 eye parts.  Innate vs Learned Behavior.  Read A4.
  • Thurs 4/11:  Neuropharmacology.  Read A5.
  • Mon 4/15:  Cadaver Field Trip!  Details to come soon.
  • Wed 4/17:  Finish Neuropharmacology and have groups study different animal behaviors (Ethology).  Read A6.
  • Fri 4/19:  Overview of the Option.  Review strategies for Date-Based Questions.
  • Tue 4/23:  Practice Paper 3.
  • Thurs 4/25:  Practice Paper 2, Part A
  • Mon 4/29:  Practice Paper 2, Part B
  • Wed 5/1:  Practice Paper 1

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Now through Spring Break!!

Can you believe you are getting close to the final stretch!?!  We are going to be very busy these last couple of months trying to finish our last few units of new material, reviewing old material, and getting those darn IA's squared away!  First of all, thank you to the many of you have turned in your first drafts and I am close to being done with those.  There are still many of you who have not turned in a first draft.  After this Friday 3/8, you will no longer be able to turn in a first draft and get feedback from me.  The official due date for the Final Draft is this Friday, 3/8, but my request is that you just get them in to me as soon as you can and no later than Saturday, 3/16.  I need to have time to carefully read them and score them before Spring Break.  Now, here is the upcoming schedule:

  • Mon 3/4:  Kidney Dance Simulation.  A few more details about the kidney.  Kahoot Review for Muscles and Kidney Test to be taken on Wed 3/6.  (A Review sheet for this is in the documents section).
  • Wed 3/6:  Muscle and Kidney Test.  Review Cell Respiration and Photosynthesis.  Start going over 5 hormones (insulin, glucagon, thyroxin, leptin, and melatonin).  Read 6.6.
  • Fri 3/8:  Official due date for Internal Assessment through turnitin.com.  More on hormones.  Male and female hormones.  Reproductive system anatomy.  Reproduction Worksheet.  Due Thursday 3/14.  Hand out Chapters 9+10 Review
  • Tues 3/12:  Review the menstrual cycle.  In vitro fertilization (IVF).  Spermatogenesis and oogenesis.  Read 11.4
  • Thurs 3/14:  Check off Reproduction Worksheet at the beginning of class.  Structure of sperm and egg.  Fertilization and early development.
  • Sat 3/16:  Drop Dead Deadline for Internal Assessment through turnitin.com!
  • Mon 3/18:  The placenta and birth.  Kahoot Review for Reproduction Test on Wed 3/20.
  • Wed 3/20:  Hormone and Reproduction Test.  Start neurobiology.  Read 6.5
  • Fri 3/22:  Structure of an axon and movement of an impulse.  Synapses.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Guidelines for Submitting the Final Internal Assessment

Hello Students!

The official due date for the final draft of your Internal Assessment is Friday 3/8.  I am reading first drafts as fast as I can and most of you should have feedback to your lab by this Saturday 3/2.  Here are some instructions, as well as some general advice after reading many of your labs:

  1. Please remove all identifying information from your lab before you submit (your name, other students' names, etc).  I will know it is your lab because it will come through your turnitin.com account.  IB has had this rule over the last few years because it doesn't want examiners to have any bias due to the name of the subject.
  2. Please check your formatting before submitting.  Oftentimes the formatting gets changed when you submit.  I have been told that one way to avoid this is to turn your lab into a pdf file before you submit it.  Make sure your headings are in the right place, tables don't get squished, etc.
  3. Make sure that you proofread your lab carefully and have somebody else read it too!  There are plenty of errors coming through in the first drafts that could be fixed with a careful reading of the lab.
  4. This may seem silly, but give your paper an Investigation Topic, listed before the Research Question.  The IB rubric specifically asks for both, and I don't know how picky they will be about that.
  5. Make sure that you discuss Safety, Ethical, or Environmental issues if you need to.  If you are using human subjects, animal subjects, or toxic/corrosive chemicals, you NEED to have this statement.
  6. Make sure that you list and justify uncertainties for all quantities and include uncertainty bars on your graphs.  
  7. Make sure that you discuss how this uncertainty impacts your results.
  8. Make sure that you discuss STRENGTHS of your investigation as well as weaknesses.  For all weaknesses, you should have reasonable suggestions for improvement to the PROCEDURE.
  9. In addition, you should suggest extensions for your investigation.
  10. Also, please read the comments I put in turnitin.com for your lab.
If you have any questions before you submit, feel free to ask!  I probably won't even put the assignment up on turnitin.com until Monday 3/4 because I want to make sure that you see this and have time to adjust before you submit.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Group IV Project Wednesday, February 13th!

Many students are asking me when and where to meet for the Group IV Project tomorrow, so here is the information from the letter:

"We will be meeting at Smith Memorial Student Union Room 296/8 on the 2nd floor or 327/8 on the 3rd floor (1825 SW Broadway, just 10 blocks from Lincoln) at 8:20 am. After sharing results of individual research on sustainability, groups will decide what data to collect in downtown Portland. They must have their plan approved by their teacher leader before they leave the PSU Student Union. They will be restricted to the following borders: Burnside to the north, Willamette River to the east, end of PSU campus to the south, and 14th Street to the west."

Remember to bring a fully charged laptop if you can and be prepared to walk around outside for a couple of hours.  At this time, the weather is actually not looking bad!  (But don't count on it and be prepared).  Additionally, bring your lunch or money to buy it downtown.  You need to stay for the entire school day!

I'm not sure when the groups will be posted, but if we don't get them to you today, you will find out when you arrive at PSU tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Get Ready for Semester 2! After Snow Day Update #1. Stay tuned for more changes....

Hello Students!  Here we go, heading into the last semester of high school (for most of you).  We will continue to plow through the material, finish the IA, and try to review much of the material from last year.  In short, we will be busy up until May, when the IB Exams start.  Then we will work on projects and relax until the end of the year.  Here are the first few weeks mapped out.

This schedule may be changed if we don't need this much time to finish IA's.
  • Thurs 1/23:  Hand back final exams to look at and then recollect.  Hand out Immunology Worksheet and work on it or work on your IA.  
  • Mon 1/28:  Work on Immunology Worksheet and IA.  Read 6.3.
  • Wed 1/30:  Work on Immunology Worksheet and IA.  Check off Immunology Worksheet.
  • Fri 2/1:  Notes on complicated parts of Immunology.  Read 11.1.  Work on writing up your IA!  First draft due for Peer Review next Thursday 2/7.
  • Tues 2/5: Snow Day.
  •  Thurs 2/7:  Finish notes on Immunology. Peer Review of First Draft of IA.  Test next Friday, 2/15.
  • Monday 2/11:   Play Kahoot to review for Immunology Test Friday 2/15.  Videos to prepare for Group IV Project.
  • Wed 2/13:  Group IV Project.  Meet at PSU if you are doing it .
  • Friday 2/15:  Immunology Test. IA Peer Review.  Start Muscles and Movement.  Read 11.2.
  • Wed 2/20:  Dissect Chicken Wings.  Overview of Muscles and Movement.  Steps of a muscle contraction.   Crash course video.
  • Fri 2/22:  Structure of the elbow joint and dissect chicken wings.  Read 11.3.  Complete draft of IA submitted through turnitin.com
  • Tues 2/26:  Overall structure of the kidney.  The nephron:  functional unit of the kidney.  

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy 2019!

Hello Students!  For most of you, this is the year the you will graduate (and I say "most" because of a couple juniors, not that I have any doubt that you will graduate).  We only have 2 weeks before final exams start, so the turnaround here will be quick.  Please note that Tuesday, January 15th is the last day before finals and it is also the drop-dead deadline for any late work or extra credit.  You can do book groups during FLEX and I will also have 1 lunch per week when you can come in.

  • Wed 1/2/19:  Hand out Respiration Worksheet, due Tuesday 1/8.  Get plants going for anyone doing a plant IA.  For the rest of you, start getting your materials assembled while you also work on the Respiration Worksheet.   Have you turned in your IA pre-lab through turnitin.com?  Remember that it should be in before you start taking data.
  • Fri 1/4/19:  Monitor plants.  Continue working on Respiration Worksheet, work on your IA, and/or start reviewing for the semester exam.
  • Tues 1/8/19:  Respiration Worksheets checked off and gone over.  Work on IA's.
  • Thurs 1/10/19:  Work on IA's.  Review for final exam.
  • Mon 1/14/19:  Work on IA's.  Kahoot for final exam.
  • Tues 1/15/19:  Full 8 Schedule.  All late work and extra credit due by today!  Last minute questions for final exam.
  • Wed-Fri 1/16-1/18:  Final Exams!  If you have plants on the cart, you will need to find time to come in and water them and take data.
  • Mon 1/21:  Martin Luther King Jr. Day.  No School.
  • Tues 1/22:  Teacher Work Day for Semester 1.  Check with me if you want to come in and do some work on your IA.  We will continue with IA's for another 3 days into the 2nd semester, but if you want to have more uninterrupted time, feel free to check with me about a good time to come in