Wednesday, November 20, 2019

2.8 Work to be done after the Biochemistry Test on Wednesday, November 20

Please Do The Following in your Notebook.  To be checked off towards the end of the period on Friday, 11/22.

  1. Define cell respiration.
  2. What is ATP and what is its advantage for cells?  What is it used for in the cell?
  3. Why do cells need a continual supply of ATP?
  4. What is anaerobic respiration?  Where/when does it occur?
  5. List the 2 summary equations for anaerobic respiration (animals, and yeast and plants).
  6. Discuss bread making and bioethanol as examples of anaerobic respiration.
  7. Do the data-based questions on p. 125.
  8. Discuss anaerobic respiration in humans.
  9. Write the equation for aerobic respiration and state its differences from anaerobic respiration (at least 3).

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Two Weeks Before Conferences

  • Tues 11/12:  Link together the monomers that you made out of clay last week.  Some notes on proteins and nucleic acids.  Make nucleic acids out of beads.  If time, do DBQ on Chargaff's Rules on p. 107 of the book.
  • Thurs 11/14:   The structure of DNA.  Finish DBQ on p. 107 and get it checked off.  Start reviewing for Biochemistry test to be taken next Wed 11/20.
  • Mon  11/18:  Review concepts for Biochemistry Test and play Kahoot.
  • Wed 11/20:  Biochemistry Test.  Start Cellular Respiration.  Read 2.8.
  • Fri 11/22:  Basics of cellular respiration.  Read 2.8 and 8.2.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Lesson Plan for 11/5/2019

  1. No Early Work Today!  We will start a new sheet of paper and add up the old one on Thursday.
  2. Short Video on Protein Structure
  3. Protein Worksheet.  Use 2.4 in the book to answer the questions on the worksheet.  Turn it in when complete.
  4. Finish the Molecular Visualization software assignment in your notebook.  You should be prepared to have the BMI and Health Risk of Fats DBQ's and the Molecular Visualization checked off on Thursday.
  5. If you finish all that, read 2.6 on Nucleic Acids!