Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Cell Respiration and Photosynthesis Test This Thursday 12/19

Make sure that you look over the review sheet on this website and the Kahoot to help prepare for this test.  The test will be made up of the following:

  1. 20 multiple choice questions (1 pt each for 20 pts total)
  2. Draw and clearly label 7 parts on either a mitochondrion or a chloroplast.  You don't get to choose.  Your test will tell you which to do.  (6 pts)
  3. Explain how structure supports function for at least 3 structures in the drawing from 2. above (4 pts)
  4. Pick 2 out of 3 short answer questions (4 pts each for a total of 8 pts)
  5. Pick 1 out of 2 longer answer questions on processes in cell resp. and photosynthesis (8 pts)
  6. A graph related to our topic with 4-5 short data-based questions associated with it (6 pts total)
Total points:  52

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Now Until Winter Break

Hello Students!  The cell respiration and photosynthesis unit is typically one of the most challenging units and we will be covering it between now and Winter Break.  I highly recommend that you get ahead of the material by reading through the sections: 2.8, 8.2, 2.9, and 8.3.  I also recommend watching videos such as the Crash Course ones I have posted and others like Khan Academy.  The repetition and hearing explanations from different perspectives can really help!  The more you let the material into your brain, the more likely your brain will be to accept it and not fight it.  Start now and revisit the material regularly!  Your brain and your stress level will thank you.  But also remember to get some exercise, listen to good music, eat healthy food, and get some sleep!

  • Tuesday 12/3:  Review glycolysis and the link reaction and give more details on the Krebs Cycle.  Crash Course video on Cellular Respiration.  The electron transport chain and chemiosmosis.  Respirometers.  Read 8.2 really well!
  • Thurs 12/5:  Seed Germination Respiration Lab.  Take data and answer the questions for Parts I and II.   Read 2.9.
  • Mon 12/9:  Do Part III of Respiration Lab.  Complete and turn in today or Wednesday.  Overview of Photosynthesis.  Action and absorption spectra.   
  • Wed 12/11:  Photosystems II and I.  Overview of the Calvin Cycle.  Read 8.3 if not already.
  • Fri 12/13: .  Review all parts of photosynthesis.  Drawing and labeling mitochondria and chloroplasts. Coloring sheet for chloroplasts and mitochondria.  Cell Respiration and Photosynthesis test next Thursday 12/19.
  • Tues 12/17:  Review for Cell Respiration Test and Photosynthesis.  Play Kahoot.
  • Thurs 12/19:  Cell Respiration and Photosynthesis Test.  Pick up Hand-Out on Cell Division when done and get it started.