Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Weeks of 12/8-12/19

  • Mon 12/8:  Notes on heart problems.  Inspirational "Heart" video.  :)
  • Wed 12/10:  Hand out Digestion and Circulation Review for Test next Wed 12/17.  Video on Atherosclerosis.  Some extra notes to fill in gaps we have missed.  Hand out Disease/Disorder Project to be due 1/14/2015.  Work time on Internal Assessment, Review Sheet, and/or starting project.
  • Fri 12/12:  Turn in Populations Inquiry through and please give me a hard copy.  Questions on Review Sheet?  Start the respiratory system.  Parts of the system, the process of breathing.  
  • Mon 12/15:  SPARK Lecture today on Waves!  More on respiratory system, including gas exchange and the structure of the alveoli.  Questions for test on Wednesday?
  • Wed 12/17:  LATE OPENING TODAY!!  But get to class on time please!  Turn in hand-done drawings of digestive system and the heart.  Rest of the Review Sheet is optional.  Take Digestion and Circulation Test.
  • Fri 12/19:  More on the Respiratory System.  Work on your Disease/Disorder Project.  Everyone should have their topic picked by today!  It is due Wed, 1/14/2015!
Have a great break!  Enjoy your holidays however you celebrate them and Happy 2015 (the year that you graduate!!)

Friday, December 5, 2014

Lab Write-Up Reminders for Populations Lab due Fri 12/12/14

  • Background Info
  • *Focused Question (says what you're doing, identifies variables)
  • Variables identified (manipulated, responding, controlled-at least 5)
  • Procedure: includes how variables are controlled, number of trials, explanations for your choices, and enough detail to follow
  • Data:  organized, labelled, both qualitative and quantitative, must have uncertainty, explained (can be in annotation under data table)
  • Data Processing:  calculations (show 1 sample of each type), t-tests or correlations or both, graphs (avoid bar graphs, include uncertainty bars)
  • Conclusion (typically 3 paragraphs), explain/discuss results using data from the investigation, discuss sources of error/uncertainty, suggest specific improvements for the sources of error/uncertainty that you mentioned

Monday, December 1, 2014

The Week of 12/1-12/5

Keep Working on your Populations Inquiry!  Remember that it is due Friday 12/12!
  • Mon 12/1:  Turn in Joe Eats a Burger if not already.  Work on Circulation Worksheet, due Wednesday.  Reading Chapter 42.  
  • Wed 12/3:  Notes on the heart and circulation.  Open-heart surgery computer simulations.  Check off Circulation Worksheet.  Keep reading Chapter 42.
  • Fri 12/5:  Mike Powell video.  Problems with the cardiovascular system.  Finish reading Chapter 42.

Friday, November 21, 2014

The Week of 11/24-11/26

  • Mon 11/24:  Digestion Quiz (label parts of the digestive system and describe what happens to food as it passes through the system).  Structure of the ileum.  Reading Chapter 41.
  • Wed 11/26:  Joe Eats a Burger Simulation.  Structure of the heart!  Learn how to draw it and what happens in all the parts.  Veins, arteries, and capillaries.  Start Reading Chapter 42.
Have a great extended week-end!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014 Information for this year

Class ID for this year:  9073214
Password:  digestion

Yes, you do need to add a new class this year even though you had me last year!

Monday, November 10, 2014

The Weeks of 11/10-11/21

  • Mon 11/10:  Teacher Work Day.  No School!!
  • Tues 11/11:  Veteran's Day.  No School!!
  • Wed 11/12:  Questions on Evolution Review?  Start Digestion!  Do digestion interactive on National Geographic Website and complete hand-out.  Then color the digestive system on the reverse using colored pencils.  Due Monday 11/17.
  • Fri 11/14:  Turn in Completed Evolution Review.  Take Evolution Test.  Finish Digestion Worksheet, due Mon 11/17.
  • Mon 11/17:  Get digestion worksheet and coloring checked off.  Overview of the human digestive system, using important terminology.  Practice drawing the digestive system, including the gall bladder, liver, and pancreas!  SPARK lecture on Human-Computer Interactions today at 3:30 in 169.
  • Wed 11/19:  Enzymes in the digestive system.  Villi and microvilli. Exocrine glands and cells.  Gastric juice secretion control.  Reading:  Chapter 41.
  • Fri 11/21:  Stomach ulcers and stomach cancer.  Digestion of lipids.  Villus epithelium cells structure and function.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Weeks of 11/3-11/14

SPARK Lecture today at 3:30 in 169!!  Remember there is one SPARK lecture per quarter per student.  The quarter ends on Friday.  Deadline for late work and extra credit is Friday by 3:30!

  • Mon 11/3:  Make graphs using Class Beak Data.  Analysis and Conclusion for the beak lab due Wed 11/5.  Work on Speciation Worksheet.
  • Wed 11/5:  Turn in Analysis and Conclusion for Beak Lab.  Notes for Speciation.  Hand out Evolution Review for Test next Fri 11/14.
  • Fri 11/7:  Deadline for Late Work and Extra Credit.  Beak of the Finch quiz on Chapter 7-9.  Go over miscellaneous evolution topics and review for test.
  • Mon-Tues 11/10-11/11:  No School for Teacher Work Day and Veterans Day.
  • Wed 11/12:  Questions on Evolution Review?  Start Digestion!!
  • Fri 11/14:  Turn in Evolution Review.  Take Evolution Test.  When finished, work more on the human digestive system.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

The Week of 10/27-10/29

  • Mon 10/27:  Turn in Skull Lab Hand-Out if not already.  Origins of Life on Earth.  Quiz on Chapters 4-6 of Beak on Wednesday.
  • Wed 10/29:  Quiz on Chapters 4-6 of Beak of the Finch.  Beak Lab!  Next Wednesday 11/5 is the last Beak quiz we will be doing on chapters 7-9.
Enjoy your long week-end!  There will be a SPARK lecture on Monday, 11/3.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Week of 10/20-10/24

  • Mon 10/20:  Questions on Hardy-Weinberg?  Notes on Human Evolution.  Finish up Hardy-Weinberg and turn in.  Quiz on Chapters 1-3 of Beak of the Finch on Wednesday.
  • Wed 10/22:  Beak Quiz, Chapters 1-3.  Bring your book!  You will get 10 minutes without the book and then 5 minutes with the book to complete the quiz.  Working with hominid skull replicas.  Taking measurements and attempting to classify.
  • Fri 10/24:  Finish up with hominid skull replicas.  More on human evolution.  Start Origin of Life on Earth.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Week of 10/13-10/17

  • Mon 10/13:  Go to Book Room to get text books and Beak of the Finch.  Questions on classification?  Intro to natural selection.  Read Chapters 1-3 of Beak for Quiz next Wed 10/22.
  • Wed 10/15:  Classification Test.  Evidence for evolution.  
  • Fri 10/17:  Natural selection and adaptations.                                      Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium activity, due Monday.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Week of 10/6-10/9 (kind of late, sorry)

  • Mon 10/6:  More work on Animal Posters and animal classification assignment using computers.
  • Wed 10/8:  Animal Posters Due.  Evaluate your poster and 5 others.  Turn in evaluation.  Turn in animal classification assignment.  Go over concepts to be on next Wednesday's classification test (see previous entry on website).  Check classification notes.  Using UniProt website to make a cladogram.  Each pair will make a cladogram using UniProt.

Classification Test on Wed 10/15

This is what you need to be able to write about in the Test on Wednesday.

  1. Outline the value of classifying organisms.
  2. Explain the biochemical evidence provided by the universality of DNA and protein structures for the common ancestry of living organisms.
  3. Explain how variations in specific molecules can indicate phylogeny.
  4. Discuss how biochemical variations can be used as an evolutionary clock.
  5. Define clade and cladistics.
  6. Outline the methods used to construct cladograms and the conclusions that can be drawn from them.
  7. Discuss the relationship between cladograms and the classification of living organisms
  8. Outline the binomial system of nomenclature.
  9. List seven levels in the hierarchy of taxa-kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species--using an example from two different kingdoms for each level.
  10. Distinguish between the following phyla of animals, using simple external recognition features:  porifera, cnideria, platyhelminthes, annelida, mollusca, and arthropoda.
  11. Apply and design a key from a group of up to eight organisms.

Monday, September 29, 2014

The Week of 9/29-10/4

  • Mon 9/29:  Enter Whitaker Ponds data into class database.  Finish Animal Phyla sorting activity.  Complete hand-out for Wednesday.
  • Wed 10/1:  Turn in Animal phyla sorting activity.  Classification categories.  Phylogenetic trees.  Introduce Animal Poster Project.
  • Fri 10/3:  Turn in Field Trip Assignment.  Work on Animal Poster Project and Animal Classification Activity, both due Wed 10/8.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Week of 9/22-9/26

  • Mon 9/22:  Finish Fish Dichotomous Key and work on your own.
  • Wed 9/24:  Exchange dichotomous keys, do them, and give feedback.  Field Trip Prep!  Hand out Field Trip Sheet with expectations.  Give Field Trip Groups.  Assign tasks within your group and assemble materials.  
  • Fri 9/26:  Field Trip to Whitaker Ponds!!  The AM bus is leaving at 8:30, so arrive in the classroom at 8:15!  The PM bus is leaving at 11:30, so arrive at the classroom before that!  Make sure that you wear sturdy shoes and are prepared for the weather and to get dirty.  Bring your own snacks and/or lunch.  We will not be stopping to buy anything!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Dichotomous Key Assignment, due Wed 9/24

Create a dichotomous key relying on OBSERVABLE characteristics of at least ten items or organisms.  Your key should work!!  You should also supply pictures or drawings of your items or organisms, much like the page of fish you used today.  Previous examples include athletic shoes, students in the class, television shows, flowers, dogs, fruit.  Be sure that someone else in the class will know enough about your topic to use the key.

Due on Wed, 9/24.  Graded on how well it works, reasonable choice of statements, and creativity. (15 points total)

Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Week of 9/15-9/19 (edited)

  • Mon 9/15:  Turn in Biotic Factors Hand-Out if not already.   Describing Weather.  Read the hand-out and then go outside to perform the tests.  Prepare for Wednesday's short test on Ecology.
  • Wed 9/17:  Short Test on Ecology.  Start Dichotomous Key Fish Assignment.  Turn in Signed Field Trip form ASAP.
  • Fri 9/19:  Finish Fish Activity.  Water and Soil Tests.
Field Trip to Whitaker Ponds is Friday, September 26!  Remember to get your Field Trip Form signed.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Welcome to the 2014-2015 School Year!

I'm so excited to be back teaching you for another year, and it's not just any year, it's your Senior Year!   There is plenty to do:  we will be doing several serious internal assessments, cover 2 options of IB Biology material, and cover all of the IB topics for human anatomy and physiology.  In May many of you will be taking IB exams over a period of several weeks and we will adjust the class accordingly.

Here is the plan for the first couple of weeks:

  • Wed 9/3:  Intro to course, review expectations, hand out Safety and Academic Honesty contracts.  Ecology preassessment.  Table work:  define trophic level terms, make 3 different food chains, and start a food web.  Signed contracts due by next Wed 9/10.
  • Fri 9/5:  Finish food web and exchange with another group for feedback.  Turn in Definitions and Food Chains and Food Web with feedback (1 per group).  Energy pyramids:  shape, units, and discuss what happens to the energy.  Biomagnification.  Start Carbon Cycle.  We will view a short Ted Ed video and then you will take notes on the carbon sources and transformations list on the SEPUP carbon cycle simulation.  
  • Mon 9/8:  Finish notes on SEPUP simulation (pre- and post-industrial).  Draw a labeled carbon cycle with your table group and turn in.
  • Wed 9/10:  Turn in Signed Contracts if not already  Ecology definitions and sigmoid growth curves.  Hand out Ecology Review:  Test next Wed 9/17.
  • Fri 9/12:  Start Field Tests.  Using quadrats estimate quantities of organisms.  Simpson Diversity Index. 

Friday, May 16, 2014

End of the Year!! (updated)

This is the projected schedule for the end of the year!  Remember the Seed Germination Lab is due Thursday, 5/22, although the important thing is that you get genuine results.  Redo your seeds if you need to!

  • Mon 5/19:  Turn in Plant Video hand-out with your 2-3 paragraph reflection on the video.  Do on-line Hoyt Arboretum Field Trip Prep in class and get checked off.  Come to class on-time tomorrow so we have maximum time for the field trip.  Remember your Tri-Met pass!  Hand out Plant Review for Plant Test next week.
  • Tues 5/20:  Hoyt Arboretum Field Trip.  I will give you a field trip hand-out to fill in as you go.  Be prepared to observer plants, draw, and come prepared for the weather!
  • Thurs 5/22:  Turn in Seed Germination Lab. Turn in a hard copy and through please.   Plant Review!  Plant test will either be next Tuesday or Thursday, but either way we will continue with the last topic of the year.
  • Tues 5/27:  Start Climate Change using Packet and on-line document.
  • Thurs 5/29:  Turn in Plant Test Review prior to taking the test.  Plant Test and more on Climate Change.
  • Mon 6/2:  Notes on Climate Change.  Climate change packet due.
  • Wed 6/4:  Finish Climate Change. (short classes due to Senior Assembly)
  • Thurs 6/5:  Review for Final Exam (exam is on 2nd semester only.  You will receive a review well in advance).
  • Mon 6/9:  Review for Final Exam.
  • Wed 6/11-6/13:  Final Exams!!

Monday, May 12, 2014


  • Mon 5/12:  Notes on Phototropism and Photoperiodism.  Check off Flower Worksheet.  Read Chapter 39.  Get Field Trip Permission Form signed by Friday.
  • Tues 5/13:  Finish notes on photoperiodism and Notes on Gibberrelin and Seed Germination.  Checklist for IB Labs.  Remember that Seed Germination Lab is due Thurs, May 22.  Finish checking off Flower Worksheet.  Flower Dissection.
  • Thurs 5/15:  Plant classification.  Amazing Video on Plants!  Complete hand-out as we go and write 2-3 paragraphs on the prompt at the end for Monday.  Start Field Trip prep.  Work on Hoyt Arboretum Field Trip prep sheet as homework. 

Monday, May 5, 2014

The Week of 5/5-5/9

  • Mon 5/5:  Notes on Transpiration stream and Xerophytes.  Check your transpiration lab results.  Work on on-line transpiration lab.  SPARK lecture this afternoon at 3:30.
  • Tues 5/6:  Finish transpiration lab and turn in.  Finish plant transport notes.  Difference between monocots and dicots.  Monocot/Dicot coloring worksheet.
  • Thurs 5/8:  Notes on flower parts and fertilization.  Finish monocot/dicot worksheet and get checked off.  Flower worksheet, due Monday.  Hand out Field Trip form for Hoyt Arboretum Field Trip on Tuesday, May 20th.  Please get signed by next Friday.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Seed Germination Inquiry

Question:  What factors affect the rate of germination of seeds?  (When I say rate of germination, I mean the Time until germination).

1)  We have done preliminary seed germination in the classroom
2)  Pick a type of seed you want to use.  You need to get your own seeds for this or ask me if that is a serious hardship for you
3)  Pick the variable you want to change.  You may check out 5 petri dishes, a thermometer, and a pipette for a week if you would like (or you may use your own equipment and have unlimited time)
4)  Carry out a controlled experiment at home
5)  Write a FULL IB lab report, including all of the details.  Good control of variables and explicit procedure.  Data with uncertainty and processed data (should have standard deviations and t-tests).  Check your Survival Manual for details on write-ups and use your Enzyme Lab feedback for help.

Final Lab is due Thursday, May 22.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Weeks of 4/21-5/2

  • Mon 4/21:  Work day, catch up day.  Work on Gel Electrophoresis Lab due tomorrow and/or Biotech Review due Thursday.
  • Tues 4/22:  Questions on Biotech Review?  Turn in Gel Electrophoresis Lab.  Introduce seed germination and set up seeds to germinate in the classroom.  You choose type of seeds, type of vessel, amount of water, location for seeds, etc.  In the meantime, work on Leaf Structure and Coloring Worksheet to be checked off Thursday after the test.
  • Thurs 4/24:  Turn in Biotech Review.  Take Biotech Test.  Check your seeds, add water if needed, and finish Leaf Worksheet.  Get checked off when finished.
  • Mon 4/28:  Notes on leaves, roots, and stems.   Introduce Seed Germination Inquiry.  Check seeds again and get Leaf Worksheet checked off if not already.
  • Tues 4/29:   Notes on stems.  Gather plant parts in the Lincoln Yard.  Get 10 different leaves, 3 roots and 3 stems.  In the classroom, draw 5 leaves, 2 roots, and 1 stem.  Label all the parts that you can and then write a caption describing the features of each sample (color, texture, where it was found, special features).  Read 35.1.  Plant seedlings if you would like.
  • Thursday 5/1:  Notes on plant growth and water transport in plants.  Transpiration.  Finish drawings and turn in.  Read 35.2-35.4.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Information on Gel Electrophoresis Lab: Due Tues, 4/22

Data Processing Part (done in class on Tues 4/15)
1)  Make Data Table for Ladder, Crime Scene, Suspect 1, Suspect 2, Suspect 3 to show distance traveled  of each band and then converted into DNA size in kilobases
2)  Measure practice gel bands (distance traveled from well in mm)
3)  Make graph on semi-log paper of Ladder information (Band 1 = 23,130 Kb, Band 2= 9,416 Kb, Band 3=6,557 Kb, Band 4=4,361 Kb, Band 5=2322 Kb, Band 6=2027 Kb).  Draw a distinct line of best fit that goes through the points as best as possible (should be curved)
4)  Use the graph, to complete the data table (convert CS, S1, S2, and S3 distance traveled to kilobases)

What you need to turn in on Tues 4/22:
a)  Completed lab hand-out (questions on first page and last page)
b)  Completed data table, neat and labeled graph, and practice gel photo taped to either.
c)  Court testimony:  1.5-2 pages on "who done it" including how gel electrophoresis works, your evidence, and possible sources of error and uncertainty.  You may use either your group's gel photo or the one I gave you.  If you want a JPG file of your group's photo, ask the group member who has it or myself and I can e-mail it to you.  Remember that you are an expert witness for the prosecution in a murder trial, so you may play the part as you see fit!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Week of 4/14-4/18

Welcome to the 4th Quarter!

  • Mon 4/14:  Take photos of your gels and share them with me.  Start researching Bioethics.
  • Tues 4/15:  Analyze gels and make graphs.  Gel Electrophoresis Lab due next Tues, 4/22.  More research and preparation for Bioethics Debate.
  • Thurs 4/17:  Bioethics Debate.  Questions on Gel Electrophoresis Lab?  Review Sheet for Biotech Test to be taken next Thurs 4/24.

Bioethics "Debate" on Thursday 4/17

On Tuesday, April 15, research the history and science behind your topic (topics listed below), in addition to researching its pros and cons.  On Thursday, April 17 explain the science of your topic to the class (beyond what we took in notes) and present positives and negatives of the technology (5-8 minutes).   After the debate, submit a bibliography of 5 solid resources, a list of who did what in your group, and a 1-2 page summary of your findings.

On the day of the "debate", your group will have 5-8 minutes to present, followed by 5-10 minutes of questions and comments from other class members.

The Topics:
1)  Reproductive Cloning (you can include cloning of organs as well)
2)  Stem Cells
3)  Genetically-modified organisms (GMO's).  Include both plants (crops) and animals.
4)  DNA Sequencing (include the history of the Human Genome Project)

Sunday, April 6, 2014

4/7-4/10/14: End of 3rd Quarter

SPARK Lecture:   Dr. Peter Hurlin of Shriners Hospital for Children:  A Wholistic View on Embryonic Development, Evolution, and Cancer.  Monday at 3:30 in 169.

  • Mon 4/7:  1st part of DNA Fingerprinting Lab.  Cut DNA samples with restriction enzyme.  While waiting for your samples to incubate, do Restriction Enzyme Activity, and take notes on Bacterial Transformation.
  • Wed 4/9:  2nd part of DNA Fingerprinting Lab:  load samples onto gels and run.  While waiting for samples to run, finish Transformation notes and do transformation activity.  Turn in and late/missing work.
  • Fri 4/11:  Teacher Work Day for end of the 3rd Quarter.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Instructions for Stem Cell Assignment

In pairs, go to Virtual Stem Cell Laboratory in the links.
Read the descriptions as you go
1)  Using the coaxing agents, stimulate the growth of different types of stem cells.
2)  List 6 different types of stem cells, their purpose, and uses in treatment.
3)  Draw and label the "tree" connecting" the different types of cells.
4)  Define "embryonic stem cell".  

Turn it in with both of your names on it.  

Sunday, March 30, 2014


Welcome back from Spring Break!  The final stretch of the year approaches.  We will do a unit on Biotechnology, followed by Plants, and some Ecology.

  • Mon 3/31:  Review Stem Cells.  Computer stem cell activity with coaxing agents.
  • Tues 4/1:  Introduce cloning.  Click and Clone computer interactive.  Polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
  • Thurs 4/3:  Restriction enzymes.  Restriction enzyme activity.  Biotech lab skills practice.  Hand out DNA Fingerprinting Lab.  Read the hand-out for Monday 4/7!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Week of 3/17-3/21

  • Mon 3/17:  Enzyme Lab through data processing is due today.  We will do self and peer review.  Go over parts of a conclusion/evaluation. Mr. Minato is doing a SPARK lecture today on superballs and supernovas.
  • Tues 3/18:  4 levels of protein structure.  Fibrous proteins versus globular proteins.  Review for Protein and Enzyme Quiz on Thursday.
  • Thurs 3/20:  Quiz on Enzymes and Proteins.  Turn in hard copy of Enzyme Lab either today or tomorrow.  In addition, please turn in a copy through  Start Biotechnology by introducing Stem Cells.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Pre-Write for Enzyme Lab, due Thursday 3/13

For the Enzyme Lab Pre-Write, you should have the following written individually:

  1. Focused Question
  2. Background
  3. Variables
  4. Materials
  5. Procedure
  6. Data Table
You should have it ready to be checked off at the beginning of class.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Topics for Replication, Transcription, Translation, DNA Structure Test on Thurs 3/6.

3.4  Replication
3.4.1  Explain DNA replication in terms of unwinding the double helix and separation of the strands by helicase, followed by formation of the new complementary strands by DNA polymerase.
3.4.2 Explain the significance of complementary base pairing in the conservation of the base sequence of DNA.
3.4.3 State that DNA replication is semi-conservative.

3.5 Transcription and translation
3.5.1 Compare the structure of RNA and DNA.
3.5.2 Outline DNA transcription in terms of the formation of an RNA strand complementary to the DNA strand by RNA polymerase.
3.5.3 Describe the genetic code in terms of codons composed of triplets of bases.
3.5.4 Explain the process of translation, leading to polypeptide formation.
3.5.5 Discuss the relationship between one gene and one polypeptide.

Topic 7: Nucleic acids and proteins
7.1 DNA structure
7.1.1 Describe the structure of DNA, including the antiparallel strands, 3’–5’ linkages and hydrogen bonding between purines and pyrimidines.
7.1.2 Outline the structure of nucleosomes.
7.1.3 State that nucleosomes help to supercoil chromosomes and help to regulate transcription.
7.1.4 Distinguish between unique or single-copy genes and highly repetitive sequences in nuclear DNA.
7.1.5 State that eukaryotic genes can contain exons and introns.

7.2 DNA replication
7.2.1 State that DNA replication occurs in a 5' to 3' direction.
7.2.2 Explain the process of DNA replication in prokaryotes, including the role of enzymes (helicase, DNA polymerase, RNA primase and DNA ligase), Okazaki fragments and deoxynucleoside triphosphates.
7.2.3 State that DNA replication is initiated at many points in eukaryotic chromosomes.

7.3 Transcription
 7.3.1 State that transcription is carried out in a 5' to 3' direction.
7.3.2 Distinguish between the sense and antisense strands of DNA.
7.3.3 Explain the process of transcription in prokaryotes, including the role of the promoter region, RNA polymerase, nucleoside triphosphates and the terminator.
7.3.4 State that eukaryotic RNA needs the removal of introns to form mature mRNA.

7.4 Translation
7.4.1 Explain that each tRNA molecule is recognized by a tRNA-activating enzyme that binds a specific amino acid to the tRNA, using ATP for energy.
7.4.2 Outline the structure of ribosomes, including protein and RNA composition, large and small subunits, three tRNA binding sites and mRNA binding sites.
7.4.3 State that translation consists of initiation, elongation, translocation and termination.
7.4.4 State that translation occurs in a 5' to 3' direction.
7.4.5 Draw and label a diagram showing the structure of a peptide bond between two amino acids.
7.4.6 Explain the process of translation, including ribosomes, polysomes, start codons and stop codons.
7.4.7 State that free ribosomes synthesize proteins for use primarily within the cell, and that bound ribosomes synthesize proteins primarily for secretion or for lysosomes.


SPARK Lecture on Monday 2/24 on transportation.

  • Mon 2/24:  Finish Replication.  Replication Simulation.
  • Tues 2/25:  Replication Quiz.  Notes on Transcription.  Genetic Code.   First side of Mutations in Your name worksheet.  Start reading Chapter 17.
  • Thurs 2/27:  Add up EW.  Forecasting Info.  Notes on Translation.  Work on Mutations in your name worksheet, due Mon 3/3.  Finish Reading Chapter 17.  16+17 Test next Thursday.
  • Mon 3/3:  Turn in Mutations in Your Name Worksheet.  Translation Simulation.
  • Tues 3/4:  Translation Simulation at your table and work on Enzyme Worksheet.  
  • Thurs 3/6:  Test on 16+17 (Replication, Transcription, Translation, and Chromosome Structure).  More on enzymes.
  • Mon 3/10:  Introduction to Enzyme Lab.  Try 3 protocols.
  • Tues 3/11:  Figure out your focused question and parameters for Enzyme Lab and do pre-write:  focused question, background, variables, procedure, data table.
  • Thurs 3/13:  Data-taking for Enzyme Lab.  When finished, clean up and start processing data.  Completed lab due next Thurs 3/20 (or before Spring Break).

Monday, February 10, 2014

2/10/14-2/20/14 (updated!) (updated again!!)

Because of the snow, the Genetics Test will be moved until next Tuesday, although we will probably move forward and do some Replication this week.

  • Tues 2/11:  Do problems at end of Chapter 15 and get them checked off.  Review vocabulary, Chi-squared test, and pedigrees.  Do review sheet.  Finish reading Chapter 15.
  • Thur 2/13:  Video on Epigenetics.  Last minute review.  Start Replication.  Start reading Chapter 16.
  • Tues 2/18:  Hand in Genetics Review.  Take Genetics Test.  Work on Replication Worksheet.  Go over process of replication.  Finish reading Chapter 16.
  • Thurs 2/20:  Unless settlement has occurred.  First day of Teacher Strike.  Please check this website for updates on suggested work assignments.  We have a tight schedule this Spring and I would like to stay occupied with the material as much as possible.  Notes on Replication.  Finish Replication Worksheet using textbooks.  Do Replication Simulations on computers.  Links to these simulations on this site.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Homework Problems for next Monday 2/10!

Hello Students!  In the event that we have further snow or you were not able to come in today, here are the homework problems for Monday 2/10:

Old book, pp. 276-277, problems 1-4, 7, 10, 12-14
New book (this should be the one you have at home), pp. 303-304, problems 1-5, 9-12

We are having a Chapter 14+15 Test on Thursday, 2/13.  There is a review sheet in the documents section and also the notes that we took on Tuesday and Thursday of this week.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Beginning of the Second Semester!!

  • Tues 1/28:  Final Exams Back and Recollect.  Start genetics.  Basic vocabulary.  Making Punnett Squares (grids) for Monohybrid and Dihybrid Crosses.  Card Simulation for Making Flowers.  Start Reading Chapter 14.
  • Thurs 1/30:  Use the Chi-Squared Test to interpret results for your flower data.  Complete the work showing your Chi-Squared test results and write a brief conclusion stating what your data means.  Probability Rules and Genetics.  Epistasis, pleiotropy, multiple alleles, and polygenic inheritance.  Work on Problems 1-20 (old books) or 1-19 (new books) at the end of Chapter 14.  Clearly show your work and/or explain your thinking for each problem.  The problems are due Tues 2/4.
  • Mon 2/3:  Go over Pedigrees.  Work time for genetics problems.  SPARK Lecture on Electricity today at 3:30!
  • Tues 2/4:  Turn in Genetics Problems.  Chromosomal basis of inheritance.  Sex-linked genes.  Genetic testing and karyotypes.  Karyotype simulation.  Research genetic disorders.  Read Chapter 15.1 and 15.2.  
  • Thurs 2/6:  Linked genes.  Gene maps.  Start Problems at the end of Chapter 15.  Problems 1-15 will be due Tues 2/11.  Read 15.3-15.4.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Semester Final Exam Guidelines

Unless you have extended time through a 504 plan or IEP, you must finish in the time allotted
No phones out during or after the Final
No trips to the restroom during or after the Final
You must stay for the allotted time
Bring something to do quietly when you are finished
Cheating in any form will result in 0% on the final exam (no talking, phone out, gesturing, notes, looking at other tests, etc.)

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Back to School 2014! (updated)

Can you believe it is already 2014?!  Welcome back!  There are only 2 full weeks before Finals Week, so the time is going to fly.  The deadline for Late Work and Extra Credit is going to be Friday, January 17th.  That means that if you are doing a book group, you need to get in for the discussion at least several days before that.

Mon 1/6:  Go over phases of mitosis and start Mitosis Worksheet.
Tues 1/7:  Identifying phases of mitosis in Onion Root Tip slides.  Mitosis demonstration at your table using yarn, string, and chalk.  Finish Mitosis Worksheet.  Hand out Semester Review.
Thurs 1/9:  Finish Mitosis activities.  Phases of Meiosis.   Start Reading Chapter 13.
Mon 1/13:  Start Meiosis Creature Activity.  Crossing Over.  Finish Reading Chapter 13.
Tues 1/14:  Finish Meiosis Creature Activity.  Review Mitosis and Meiosis for short test on Thursday.  Start Reviewing for Final Exam.
Thurs 1/16:  Take short Mitosis and Meiosis Test.  Review for Final Exam.
Fri 1/17:  Deadline for Late Work and Extra Credit.
Mon 1/20:  MLK Jr Holiday.  No School.
Tues 1/21:  Last minute review before Final Exam.
Wed 1/22:  Finals:  Periods 1,4,7.
Thurs 1/23:  Finals:  Periods 2,5,8.
Fri 1/24:  Finals:  Period 3,6.