Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Digestion Unit Outline: 6.1 in text

You should be able to:

  1. Draw and label parts of the human digestive system (use coloring sheet to help)
  2. Describe what happens to food as it goes through the system using appropriate vocabulary and describing the function of each part.  (use back of coloring sheet to help)
  3. Identify tissue layers in transverse sections of the small intestine (p. 281 in book)
  4. Describe the synthesis and contents of pancreatic juices.
  5. Describe the digestion of food in the mouth (only 1 enzyme), the stomach (only 1 enzyme) and the small intestine (many enzymes)
  6. Describe the structure and function and villi
  7. Describe methods of absorption in the small intestine (see pp 284-285)
  8. Use dialysis tubing to model the small intestine

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